The Peter Lougheed Fellowship in Canadian Studies

The Peter Lougheed Fellowship in Canadian Studies

Peter Lougheed Graduate Fellowship in Canadian Studies - In Memorium

pIt is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Canadian leader and philanthropist Peter Lougheed, on September 13, 2012. "Canada lost a truly great man,” Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a statement, "Peter Lougheed was quite simply one of the most remarkable Canadians of his generation.” Peter Lougheed was born in Calgary to Edgar and Edna Lougheed of Halifax, Nova Scotia. It was his wife, Jeanne Rogers, from whom he learned to appreciate the world of music, ballet, opera and theater, and through his grandparents Lady Isabella and Sir James Lougheed that Peter inherited his pioneer spirit and strong sense of community service.

The magnitude of his contributions and accomplishments in the fields of law and politics did not prevent Peter Lougheed from undertaking his many important charitable interests which included health, culture, public spaces and education. Among these, the "Peter Lougheed Fellowship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem" was established to enable an annual fellowship grant (or grants) to be awarded to excelling Hebrew University research students or post-doctoral scholars to travel to Canada for a period of six to ten months to further their study and research in Canadian Studies.


The establishment of the Peter Lougheed Fellowship in Canadian Studies covered a major existing lacuna and is of great importance in ensuring the future of Canadian Studies in Israel through the encouragement and support for young and promising scholars.

Each recipient of the grant is selected by the Academic Committee of the Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies on the basis of the academic excellence of the candidates and the relevance of their work for Canadian Studies. Since its establishment, there have been a total of 30 Peter Lougheed Fellows.


We thank Peter Lougheed for his generosity and his invaluable contributions to advancing Canadian Studies, bolstering the research of young scholars, and deepening the ties between Israel and Canada through higher education.


Guidelines and Application

The Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies in cooperation with the Israeli Association for Canadian Studies aims to encourage PhD and master’s students writing their thesis at the Hebrew University to conduct research on issues with Canadian content and / or common interest to Canada and Israel.

 Research topics: research grants are designed to promote research with Canadian content in the following fields: Faculty of Social Sciences, Business Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law, Education and Social Work. Research topics lacking Canadian content are not eligible for this scholarship.

 Eligibility for submitting applications: PhD and masters students writing a thesis at the Hebrew University's theoretical faculties.

 Procedure for submitting applications:

Applications should be written in Times New Roman, 12 point font, and 1.5 spacing, in one of the following languages: Hebrew or English. Each page must be numbered consecutively and should include the candidate's last name on the same line of page number. Applications for the scholarship must be submitted by 28 February 2021 to the Halbert Center for Canadian Studies email:


 Application Structure:

  1. The research application should include the following:
    1. Title
    2. Summary
    3. Theoretical background
    4. Brief survey of the scientific literature in the research subject
    5. Proposed research implementation methodology
    6. Possible results of the proposed research
    7. Brief bibliography (total length of the proposal should not exceed 10 pages)
  2. If the implementation of the research requires staying and conducting field work in Canada, a detailed work plan of the stay in Canada must be submitted.
  3. A short CV (in English) of up to two pages should be submitted along with the application
  4. A detailed research budget must be attached, which can include: travel (one transatlantic roundtrip, internal travel in Canada for research purposes), daily allowance and other expenses essential to carry out the research. The proposed budget (if approved) will form the framework for the budgetary activity in the research. If deemed necessary, changes in the budget’s items may become possible following a justified request submitted to the Halbert Center’s academic committee and approved by it.
  5. Two letters of recommendation must be submitted to us along with the application, one of which should be from the research supervisor, indicating the importance of implementing the research.

Assistance scope and domain:

The maximum scholarship amount will be 6,500 CD (six thousand five hundred Canadian dollars)

Grants approval announcement date:

Applicants for the scholarship will be informed of the approval or rejection of their requests by the end of March 2021


The final report (2-4 pages) describing the research methods and results will be submitted, together with the financial report, to the Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies up to one year after the completion of the research.

Contribution note:

The scholarship is funded equally by the Halbert Centre and the Israeli Association for Canadian Studies. Therefore, any article or publication resulting from the research should include reference to the two contributing parties.


*Final approval of the fellowships is subject to budget confirmation.



Full list of Peter Lougheed Fellows:


Itay Fischhendler

Tamar Shroitman


Doron Bar

Shlomo Gruner


Galit Leif-Grunblat

Rona May-Ron

Nachshon Peretz


Uriel Abulof

Nitsan Levy

Shana Mauer

Yaad Rotem


Yitzhak Dahan

Ofer Kenig


Uriel Abulof

Anna Kosner

Israel Pupko


Edo Eshet


Sharon Arieli

David Hadar


Emmanuelle Moscovitz

Ohad Raveh

Elad Rom

Shana Rosenblatt-Mauer

Sivan Slapak

2011 Rona May-Ron

Ranit Grossaug


Amit Tubi


Eran Ben Ari

Gidon Jakar


Lauren Abecassis-Kandravy

Keren Borenstein-Nativ

Inbar Mizrahi


Alon Zoizner


Eran Amsalem

Nir Kosti


Vardit Lightstone


Omer Lachman

Rachel Zeliger

2020 Cody Levine