Halbert Post-Doc Fellowship

Due to the Corona situation in Toronto, the post-doc scholarship is suspended, as of August 2021. If and when the situation improves, we will reconsider the decision.


The Halbert Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Canadian Studies

The fellowship enables recent PhD recipients of the Hebrew University working on post-doctoral projects to carry out their research at the University of Toronto in Canada. The fellowship is open to graduates from the faculties of social science, humanities, law, social work, education and business administration.


Guidelines and Application

The Halbert Post-Doctoral Fellowship is open to graduates from the faculties of humanities, social sciences, social work, education, law and business administration at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who will fulfill all requirements for their doctoral degree by August 31, 2019. This post-doctoral fellowship is also open to graduates who have completed their doctoral dissertation no more than three years prior to the date of their application.

This fellowship is intended for emerging scholars seeking to enhance professional connections and build networks with scholars at the University of Toronto.

One fellowship in the sum of up to 50,000 CD will be offered for one academic year. Decisions regarding applications will be made on a competitive basis in a joint meeting between the respective academic committees of both institutions.

Your application for the Halbert Post-Doctoral Fellowship for study in Canada must include all relevant documentation listed below (items 1 to 7). These documents should be submitted together as one application package. The application package must be submitted to the Halbert Centre no later than February 28, 2021.

Please address the application package to the Halbert Centre’s Administrative Coordinator: mscanada@mail.huji.ac.il

Your application will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Overall academic excellence

  • The importance of studying in the University of Toronto for your research.

  • A letter of invitation from an academic sponsor in your field at the University of Toronto supporting the application.

  • Completion of doctoral dissertation no more than three years prior to the submission of the fellowship application; or a statement from your supervisor indicating that you will fulfill all requirements for doctoral degree by 31 August 2021.

Please note: priority will be given to candidates who have not yet held a post-doctoral fellowship.