The Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies



The Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies announces the Call for Applications for Joint Israeli-Canadian Research Workshops for the academic year 2024-2025. This initiative aims to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between researchers from the Hebrew University and Canadian universities in various fields of Social Sciences, Humanities, social work, education, law and business administration.

Workshop Details:

  • The workshops will focus on a specific theme and run for a duration of 3-4 days. The Halbert Centre encourages the involvement of doctoral students in the workshops.
  • Participation in the workshops is open to researchers beyond the Hebrew University and Canadian universities, but significant cooperation between these groups is essential.
  • Workshops must be co-led by faculty members from the Hebrew University and Canadian universities, with a substantial presence of researchers from both regions.
  • We request that one session or lecture will be recorded for our website and/or newsletter.

Budget and Application Process: The allotted budget for each workshop is 13,000 CAD (canadian dollars), intended for the travel and accommodation expenses of Canadian researchers and other directly related workshop preparation costs. The Halbert Centre will manage the budget based on the details stated in the grant proposal.

The submission deadline for proposals is February 29, 2024.

The Halbert Centre's Academic Committee will review the applications and announce its decisions during the second semester.

The utilization of the grant is valid for 12 months, beginning in October 2024.

For further details and to submit your application, please visit the  Halbert Centre Application Website.

Applicants with questions are welcome to contact us via email at

* Approval is subject to financial confirmation


Any publications or activities resulting from the workshop must explicitly mention The Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies.

At the end of the workshop, workshop leaders should submit a summary report. The center encourages workshop organizers to submit photos and audio-visual documentation of some meetings (technical assistance is available). The report and other materials gathered by the organizers will be incorporated into the center's report and distributed to the Academic Committee at HUJI, the Advisory Committee in Canada, and the center's newsletter and website. 

The proposal (in Hebrew or English) should include the following:

  • Title

  • Abstract (up to half a page)

  • Subject of the workshop with academic justification (up to four pages)

  • List of workshop participants:

  • please include CVs, of up to two pages per participant

  • Letters of confirmation from all proposed Canadian and Israeli participants

  • Specification of estimated costs.

The proposed budget (if approved) will form the framework for the workshop's budgetary activity.
If deemed necessary, changes in the budget’s items may become possible following a justified request submitted to the Halbert Centre's academic committee and approved by it.