Israeli - Canadian Faculty Collaboration Grant 2024-2025

The Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies



The Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies is pleased to announce the Israeli-Canadian Faculty Collaboration Grant for the academic year 2024-2025. This grant aims to promote scholarly exchanges on topics with significant Canadian content between faculty members of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and faculty affiliated with recognized higher education institutions in Canada.

Eligibility: The Israeli-Canadian Faculty Collaboration Grant is open to both tenured and non-tenured (with Teken) faculty members of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Program Focus: The program is designed to give priority to scholarly exchanges that involve topics with substantial Canadian content.

Grant Coverage: The grant will cover a contribution towards research activities (e.g. hiring research assistants, professional editing or any acceptable expenses directly related to the research. A total maximum amount of $3,000 (Canadian Dollars)).

Application Deadline: The final date for submission of grant applications is February 29, 2024.

Review and Decision: The Academic Committee of the Halbert Centre will review the applications and announce its decisions during the second semester.

Grant Utilization: The utilization of the grant is valid for a period of 12 months starting in October 2024.

Budget Management: The budget will be managed by the Halbert Centre, according to the budgetary details stated in the grant proposal.

For further details and to submit your application, please visit the  Halbert Centre Application Website.

Applicants with questions are welcome to contact us via email at

* Approval is subject to financial confirmation.


General Instructions

To apply for the Israeli-Canadian Faculty Collaboration Grant, please include the documentation listed below. 

The letter of intent from your Canadian research partner (item 4) should be submitted directly to the Halbert Centre, via e-mail.

The application file and the letter must be submitted no later than February 22, 2024.

 Your application will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Overall academic excellence

  • Significant Canadian content

  • Reasons for collaboration with a Canadian colleague on the specific project

  • Likelihood of ensuing publications

Documents to Include

1. Research proposal 

Your proposal of work should not exceed 1,000 words. 

Your proposal should describe:

The research question, including its importance to your discipline and its relation to the existing literature.  The methodology you intend to use

  • Your research plan , including an approximate timetable

  • The goals and potential contribution of the proposed project


2. Budget

Please provide an itemized budget in Canadian dollars with justifications. Note that the grant is not intended to cover travel costs.

Anticipated Expenditures Anticipated Income

Direct costs, such as:

   Research assistant

   Use of equipment

   Books & materials

   Secretarial services

   Other (specify and explain)


Other funding sources (specify)
Total Total

The proposed budget (if approved) will form the framework for the budgetary activity in the research. If deemed necessary, changes in the budget’s items may become possible following a justified request submitted to the Halbert Center’s academic committee and approved by it. 

3. Current Curriculum Vitae: Please include curriculum vitae for both members of the research exchange team, with a complete list of publications..

4. Letter of Intent: A letter of intent should specify the reasons for undertaking the joint project and the anticipated results  of this collaboration. The letter should be included in the proposal or can be sent to the Halbert Centres’ email.  

Final Report: The final report should be submitted via e-mail to the Halbert Centre. It may consist of one of the following: A manuscript of publishable quality and a scholarly journal article; or a detailed description of the research team's work (or individual's in case of an individual grant) and the current results of the collaborative project.

Publications resulting from this funding must clearly acknowledge Halbert Centre support.

For further information, please contact us via email at: