The Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies

The Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies proposals for the Rotating Course program for the academic year 2024-2025. This program aims to facilitate academic collaboration between recognized Canadian universities and the Hebrew University by providing assistance to bring groups of students for short courses in the field of theoretical sciences or send groups of students from the Hebrew University to Canada.

Program Details:

- The Halbert Centre will consider competitive proposals and provide assistance of up to 12,000 CAD to support the program.

- The assistance will be used to bring a group of students (up to 1500 CAD per student) from a recognized Canadian university to the Hebrew University or send a similar group of students from the Hebrew University to Canada.

- The course should be the result of cooperation between a lecturer from Canada and a lecturer from the Hebrew University. The course must be accredited for higher education.

Application Deadline: Applicants interested in conducting the program in the next academic year 2024-2025 must submit their proposals by February 29, 2024.

The assistance granted is valid for a period of 12 months, starting in October 2024.

For further details and to submit your application, please visit the  Halbert Centre Application Website.

Applicants with questions are welcome to contact us via email at

* Approval is subject to financial confirmation




Applicants must submit a detailed proposal including the following elements:

- Course Field of Study: Specify the field of study for the proposed course.

- Significance of the Group's Travel: Explain the importance of the group's travel to the specific destination, such as visiting relevant destinations, collaborating with lecturers at the destination university, or fostering research collaboration between the two universities.

- Attending Lecturers: Provide information about the lecturer from Canada and the lecturer from the Hebrew University who will be involved in the course.

- Number of Attending Students: State the expected number of students who will participate in the course.

- Course Syllabus: Provide the course syllabus, approved by the lecturer from the Hebrew University.

- Host Department Approval: Obtain approval from the Dean and the host department for their readiness to host this educational activity.

- Administrative Arrangements: Describe the administrative arrangements for the visits, including accommodation, insurance, and security arrangements (if applicable for courses including tours).

- Additional Funding Resources: Specify any additional funding resources available for the project.

- Accommodation Arrangements: It is recommended that accommodation arrangements at the Hebrew University be handled by the Rothberg International School.

The Halbert Centre will manage the budget according to the budgetary details stated in the grant proposal. 

Final Approval: Final approval of the applications is subject to budget confirmation from the Hebrew University. We encourage all eligible applicants to submit innovative proposals that promote academic exchange and collaboration between Canadian and Hebrew University students.