Graduate Canadian Conference Grant

Grant Program for Graduate Student Participation in Canadian Studies Conferences

The program is intended for graduate students of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who have been invited to present a paper with substantial Canadian content at a Canadian Studies Conference abroad.

Guidelines and Application

The program is intended for graduate students of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who have been invited to present a paper with substantial Canadian content at a Canadian Studies Conference abroad. The maximum sum to be awarded is 1,500 $ (CD). Materials should be received at the Halbert Centre at least three months before the conference is scheduled to begin. Please note that each student is entitled to receive this grant only once.

Please send the following application materials in English, via e-mail, to the Halbert Center for Canadian Studies:

  1. An updated curriculum vitae

  2. A 400-500-word synopsis of your conference paper, in Times New Roman, 12 point font, and 1.5 spacing, with each page numbered consecutively and including your name and e-mail address in the top right-hand corner;

  3. A letter of invitation from the conference organizers.

  4. Separately, a letter of recommendation from your research/thesis advisor should be sent directly via e-mail, in Hebrew or English to the Halbert Centre.

Your application will be judged according to its overall academic excellence, and the Canadian content in your paper.

Within four weeks after your return, please send a brief (250-350 words) report in English, in the same style format as 2 (b) above, describing the contribution of the conference to your academic experience and interests.

Applications should be submitted via email to

* Final approval of the grant is subject to budget confirmation from Hebrew University.